Previous Bible Presentations: 2024
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
7* |
The Holy Spirit |
14* |
Science in the Bible - part 1 |
21* |
Who is the God of the Bible? |
28 |
The second coming of Jesus |
February |
4 |
Did Jesus pre-exist before his birth? |
11 |
What the Bible says about the Devil and Satan |
18 |
Science in the Bible - part 2 |
25 |
Bible teaching about the Kingdom of God |
March |
3 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
10 |
The return of Christ |
17 |
God's Land |
24 |
The good news of the Kingdom of God on earth |
April |
7 |
God's promises to David |
14 |
God's chosen people |
21 |
Science in the Bible - part 3 |
28 |
Why does God allow suffering? |
May |
5 |
Bible facts about hell |
12 |
God's promises to Abraham |
19 |
What the Bible says about heaven |
26 |
The glory of God |
June |
2 |
Bible Prophecy - Daniel 9 |
9 |
What the Bible teaches about baptism |
16 |
Jesus, mediator between God and men |
23 |
Jesus, a man and the Son of God |
30 |
Armageddon and a new world order |
July |
7 |
The Gospel message |
14 |
Science in the Bible |
21 |
Bible prophecy - Daniel chapter 11 |
28 |
God so loved the world |
August |
4 |
Bible prophecy - Daniel chapter 2 |
11 |
God's view of history |
18 |
Signs of the coming of Jesus Christ |
25 |
The history of the Jews |
September |
1 |
God and creation |
15 |
The life of Jesus |
22 |
The death of Jesus |
29 |
The resurrection and ascension of Jesus |
October |
6 |
God's Holy Spirit |
13 |
Holy Spirit gifts |
20 |
Sin and its consequences |
27 |
The resurrection from the dead |
November |
3 |
The day of judgement |
10 |
Immortal life |
17 |
Baptism |
24 |
Prayer |
December |
1* |
The importance of daily bible reading |
8* |
Living a new life in Christ |
15* |
The Devil and sin |
22* |
Angels |
29* |
The return of Jesus back to the earth |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2023
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
1* |
New beginnings - what's the world coming to? |
8* |
Creation and God's 7000 year plan |
15* |
Who is the God of the bible? |
22* |
Jesus is the Son of God |
29 |
The gospel of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ |
February |
5 |
Nebuchadnezzar - bible prophecy |
12 |
Events subsequent to the return of Christ |
19 |
The blessings of Christ's reign |
26 |
Baptism - is it important? |
March |
5 |
Pictures of places in the Bible |
12 |
How to read the bible effectively |
19 |
Who are the angels? |
26 |
The Jews, God's witnesses |
April |
2 |
Satan, the devil, and demons |
16 |
The Holy Spirit and gifts of the Spirit |
23 |
Why is there suffering in this world? |
30 |
Faith and works |
May |
14 |
Promises made in Eden |
21 |
Promises made to Abraham |
28 |
Promises made to David |
June |
4 |
Promises made to Jesus |
11 |
Why did Jesus die? |
18 |
Resurrection, responsibility and judgement |
25 |
Current events - signs of the times |
28 |
Promises made to David |
July |
2 |
The bible is the inspired word of God |
9 |
What the bible says about the soul |
16 |
What the bible says about angels |
23 |
Baptism - commanded by Christ |
30 |
Israel, the promised land |
August |
6 |
Death and resurrection |
13 |
The blessings of Christ's reign |
27 |
Does the bible teach the trinity? |
September |
3 |
Events prior to the return of Jesus |
10 |
The return of Jesus to the earth |
17 |
The Jews God's witnesses |
24 |
The temptations of Jesus |
October |
1 |
Armageddon and a new world order |
8 |
The kingdom age - 1,000 year millennium |
15 |
Jerusalem's glorius future |
22 |
What must we do to be saved? |
29 |
Daniel's prophecy of Christ's first coming |
November |
5 |
World current affairs - what is this world coming to? |
12 |
Beasts of revelation |
19 |
Bible prophecy |
26 |
Fruit of the Spirit |
December |
3* |
Having a character that is pleasing to God |
10* |
God's grace and mercy |
17* |
God's 7,000 year plan |
24* |
Jesus is king |
31* |
What does the future hold for us? |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2022
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
2 |
What the original Christians believed |
9 |
*Cancelled due to COVID restrictions* |
16 |
God is One |
23 |
The Bible - how to read it properly |
30 |
God's kingdom on earth |
February |
6 |
What the Bible teaches about Heaven & Hell |
13 |
What the Bible says about the Angels |
20 |
What the Bible says about the Devil, Satan and Demons |
27 |
Bible prophecy - Daniel 7 |
March |
6 |
The Colours of the Rainbow |
13 |
Jesus, the Son of God |
20 |
God's chosen people, the Jews |
27 |
The Gospel message |
April |
3 |
What must we do to be saved? |
10 |
Promises made in Eden |
24 |
Promises made to Abraham |
May |
1 |
Promises made to David |
8 |
Promises made to Jesus |
15 |
Jesus, a representative sacrifice, not a substitute |
22 |
Jesus the Prophet |
29 |
Jesus the Priest |
June |
5 |
Jesus the King |
12 |
Baptism commanded by Christ |
19 |
How do we reflect the love of Christ? |
26 |
Signs of the times from the Bible |
July |
3 |
World problems - God's solution |
10 |
God is Merciful |
17 |
God is Love |
24 |
The Faithful God |
31 |
The Gracious God |
August |
7 |
God has not forsaken the World |
14 |
The God of Israel, the One True God |
21 |
Christ the King |
28 |
Jesus, the High Priest |
September |
4 |
Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life |
11 |
Christ the Saviour of the World |
18 |
The Word of God |
25 |
The LORD God, creator of all |
October |
2 |
Will Jerusalem ever be a city at Peace? |
9 |
The Land of Israel in God's purpose |
16 |
God's Plan, Promises and Mystery |
23 |
The Truth about Heaven |
30 |
The Blessings of Christ's reign |
November |
6 |
The Evidence of Archaeology |
13 |
Current World Events and Bible Prophecy |
20 |
The Jews, God's Witnesses |
27 |
God's Truth |
December |
4 |
World empires revealed in a prophecy - Daniel 7 |
11 |
The Return of Jesus |
18* |
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth - what does the Lord's Prayer mean by this? |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2021
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
31 |
Remarkable events in the world today, heralding the return of Jesus Christ from heaven |
February |
7 |
The Kingdom Age |
14 |
The character that pleases God |
21 |
The Bible |
28 |
The Jews, God's witnesses |
March |
7 |
What the Bible says about 'The Devil and Satan' |
14 |
Scientific facts in the Bible (1) |
21 |
Russia will invade Israel and fail |
28 |
Jesus, the Son of God |
April |
11 |
Bible prophecy - Daniel 7 |
18 |
Believe and be baptised |
25 |
Bible teaching on the Devil & Satan |
May |
2 |
Promises made in Eden |
9 |
Promises made to Abraham |
16 |
Promises made to David |
23 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
30 |
Scientific facts in the Bible (2) |
June |
13 |
The Glory of God |
20 |
Jerusalem |
27 |
God is one |
July |
4 |
Promises made to Jesus |
11 |
Jesus' promise - "With me in paradise" |
18 |
Signs of Jesus' Return |
25 |
Armageddon and the new world order |
August |
1 |
Knowedge of the Truth *Cancelled due to COVID restrictions* |
8 |
Blessings of Christ's Kingdom *Cancelled due to COVID restrictions* |
15 |
Keys to understanding Revelation |
15 |
Signs of Jesus' Return |
29 |
Why the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not available today |
September |
5 |
Signs of Jesus' return (part 2) |
12 |
Life after death |
October |
10 |
Israel's return to the Promised Land |
17 |
The hell of the Bible |
24 |
How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? |
31 |
Understanding the Gospel Message |
November |
7 |
Putting on the Whole Armour of God |
14 |
God's promises to Abraham |
21 |
Human nature |
28 |
God's 7000 year plan |
December |
5 |
What hope have we? |
12 |
The Kingdom of God |
26 |
The birth of Jesus |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2020
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
5 |
Mankind's prospects for 2020 and beyond |
12 |
Modern science proves the Bible true |
19 |
Why does God allow suffering? |
26 |
Paradise restored |
February |
2 |
The LORD God, merciful and gracious |
9 |
Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world |
16 |
The Jews, God's chosen people |
23 |
God's promise to Abraham and Jesus |
March |
1 |
"Thy Kingdom come...thy will be done in earth" - what exactly does the Lord's prayer mean by this? |
8 |
Prophecy in the news |
15 |
God's promise to David and Jesus |
22 |
The character that pleases God |
Remaining presentations in 2020 cancelled due to Covid-19 |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2019
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
6 |
The Historical Jesus |
13 |
Jesus Christ, Son of God and son of man |
20 |
Jesus Christ, King of Israel and future ruler of the world |
27 |
Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and men |
February |
3 |
The Greatness of Christ |
10 |
Jesus Christ, the Resurrection and the Life |
17 |
Jesus Christ, the Righteous Judge |
24 |
Jesus Christ, a teacher sent from God |
March |
3 |
Jesus Christ, Prophet, Priest and King |
10 |
The Sacrifice of Christ |
17 |
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ |
24 |
The Blessings of Christ's reign |
31 |
Brexit and Bible Prophecy |
April |
7 |
Remarkable world events by God's Providence |
14 |
The second coming of Jesus Christ |
28 |
The one true and living God |
May |
12 |
The Promises of God |
19 |
The Name of the LORD God |
26 |
The Word of God |
June |
2 |
The Glory of God |
9 |
God's character |
16 |
Has God forgotten the world? |
23 |
God's 7000 year plan |
30 |
God shall be all and in all |
July |
7 |
The Genesis creation is true |
14 |
Armageddon and the new world order |
21 |
Signs of the times |
28 |
God is love |
August |
4 |
God created man |
11 |
Faith that pleases God |
18 |
Knowledge of the Truth |
25 |
God's Promise to David |
September |
1 |
Prophecy of World History - Daniel 2 |
8 |
Salvation and Joy of the Gospel |
15 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
22 |
Challenging Prophecies: Tyre |
October |
13 |
Russia and Iran in Bible Prophecy |
20 |
God's Kingdom on Earth |
27 |
Blessings of the Future Age |
November |
3 |
Brexit and the Purpose of God |
10 |
Why the gifts of the Holy Spirit are no longer available |
17 |
How can we really know the Bible is the Word of God? |
24 |
Resurrection |
December |
1 |
World history foretold - Daniel 7 |
8 |
Jesus will certainly return to the Earth |
22 |
The Birth of Jesus |
29 |
Bible facts about angels |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2018
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
7 |
God's grace, mercy and forgiveness |
14 |
Do men possess the Holy Spirit today? |
21 |
Religion and worship acceptable to God |
28 |
Israel and the gospel preached by Jesus |
February |
4 |
The Creator, creation and evolution |
11 |
Baptism essential for salvation |
18 |
God manifested in angels and in his Son |
25 |
The devil - the cause of suffering |
March |
4 |
Daniel inspired to foretell world history (ch. 7) |
11 |
The truth about heaven and hell |
18 |
The meaning of 'Everlasting Life' |
25 |
Acceptable and effectual prayer |
April |
15 |
The empty tomb |
22 |
The wonders of Bible prophecy |
29 |
What we must do to be saved |
May |
6 |
Is immortality possible? |
13 |
Jesus - the Messiah |
16 |
Israel's 70th Anniversary
(note: to be held at the Capalaba Library, Noeleen Street, Capalaba at 7:30pm) |
19 |
Israel's 70th Anniversary
(note: to be held at the Wynnum Municipal Hall, 219 Bay Terrace, Wynnum at 1:30pm) |
20 |
Believing the Bible |
June |
3 |
The next king of Israel |
10 |
Jerusalem's glorious future |
17 |
The faithful will live and reign with Christ:
1) Commencement of the Kingdom of God |
24 |
2) Establishment of the Kingdom of God |
July |
1 |
Bible treasure |
8 |
The hope of resurrection |
15 |
Jesus' promise - "With me in Paradise" |
22 |
The appearing of Jesus Christ |
29 |
God's promise to Abraham |
August |
5 |
The throne of the Lord over Israel |
12 |
The history of the world in a dream |
19 |
The stage being set for Christ's return |
26 |
The sacrifice of Christ |
September |
2 |
Putting on the whole armour of God |
9 |
The Jews - God's witnesses |
16 |
The land God cares for |
23 |
Evidence the Bible is the Word of God |
30 |
Are you a Christian? Are you sure? |
October |
7 |
The meaning of our lives |
14 |
God's promises to Abraham and Christ |
21 |
God's promises to David and Christ |
28 |
Signs of the times |
November |
4 |
Faith, hope and love |
18 |
True disciples of Christ |
25 |
Archaeology proves the Bible true |
December |
9 |
The gospel preached by Jesus |
16 |
God is one, not Three |
23 |
The birth of Jesus |
30 |
A review of 2018 and a look to the future |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2017
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
1 |
The return of Christ is near |
8 |
The beginning of creation |
15 |
The character of God |
22 |
The resurrection of Christ |
29 |
God has not forsaken the world |
February |
5 |
The Messiah |
12 |
The truth about heaven |
19 |
The truth about hell |
26 |
Prophecy proves the Bible true |
March |
5 |
Are Spirit gifts possessed today? |
12 |
The angels, God's servants |
19 |
Believe and be baptised |
26 |
The devil and satan |
April |
2 |
The gospel Jesus preached |
9 |
The one true God and his Son |
23 |
Jerusalem - the city of the great king |
30 |
World history in an inspired dream |
May |
7 |
The second coming of Christ |
14 |
Armageddon |
21 |
How to join Christ's family |
28 |
Resurrection |
June |
4 |
The mortal soul |
11 |
The Bible and science |
18 |
Jesus Christ - Saviour of the world |
25 |
God's promises to Abraham |
July |
2 |
How to join God's family |
9 |
Apparent contradictions resolved |
16 |
God's promise to David |
23 |
The Scriptures inspired by God |
30 |
World history foretold in detail |
August |
6 |
The LORD, merciful and gracious |
13 |
God's promise to Adam and Eve |
20 |
The second coming of Christ |
27 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
September |
3 |
Israel, a modern miracle |
10 |
Who is Jesus Christ? |
17 |
Times and seasons in God's purpose |
24 |
Baptism essential for salvation |
October |
1 |
Jesus' words, deeds and thoughts foretold |
8 |
The one hope given by God |
15 |
Paradise restored |
22 |
The hell of the Bible |
29 |
The centenary of "Beersheba 1917" |
November |
5 |
What was achieved by Christ's death? |
12 |
Israel's return to the Promised Land |
26 |
Mankind's deadly enemy |
December |
3 |
Life after death |
10 |
The battle of the great day of God Almighty |
17 |
God's promises to Abraham and Christ |
24 |
The birth of Jesus |
31 |
A review of the year |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2016
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
3 |
God's family |
10 |
God's 7000 year plan |
17 |
God's promise to Abraham |
24 |
There is only one true God |
31 |
God's promise to David |
February |
7 |
God's promise in Eden |
14 |
What we know about God |
21 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
28 |
The sacrifice of Christ |
March |
6 |
Russia and Israel |
April |
3 |
Creation |
10 |
Angels, God's servants |
17 |
Our souls are mortal |
24 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
May |
1 |
God, merciful and gracious |
8 |
The truth about heaven and hell |
15 |
The one true hope |
22 |
The past and the future foretold |
29 |
Jesus Christ will return |
June |
5 |
12 |
The truth about Satan |
19 |
World problems - God's solution |
26 |
Jerusalem, God's chosen city |
July |
10 |
Britain in Bible Prophecy |
17 |
How do we really know the Bible is the Word of God? |
24 |
Armageddon |
31 |
Eternal life |
August |
7 |
Signs of Christ's return |
14 |
The land of Israel |
21 |
The history of the world foretold |
28 |
God's dealings with all nations |
September |
4 |
Israel, a modern miracle |
11 |
Baptism commanded by Christ |
18 |
The promised paradise |
October |
2 |
The Holy Spirit |
9 |
God's promise to Abraham |
16 |
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth" - What does this mean? |
23 |
Armageddon |
30 |
The sacrifice of Christ |
November |
6 |
God's promise to David |
13 |
Signs of the times |
20 |
The one true and living God |
27 |
Eternal Life |
December |
4 |
Syria and Iran in Bible Prophecy |
11 |
Will Jerusalem ever be a city of peace? |
18 |
Life in God's coming kingdom |
25 |
The birth of Jesus |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2015
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
4 |
The Gospel |
11 |
The one true God |
18 |
"Thy kingdom come" |
25 |
The second coming of Jesus |
February |
1 |
Prophecy - Daniel 7 |
8 |
An invitation to live for ever |
15 |
Jesus is the son of God |
22 |
Signs of Jesus' return |
March |
1 |
Prophecy - Valley of Dry Bones |
8 |
Baptism commanded by Jesus |
15 |
Paradise |
22 |
Armageddon |
29 |
Prophecy - Australia |
April |
12 |
Treasure in God's Word |
19 |
God's promise in Eden |
26 |
God's promise to Abraham |
May |
3 |
God's promise to David |
10 |
God is one |
17 |
The Holy Spirit |
24 |
Who is Jesus Christ? |
31 |
The resurrection of Jesus |
June |
7 |
What does the Bible mean by Hell? |
14 |
The truth about Heaven |
21 |
Eternal Life |
28 |
Israel in God's purpose |
July |
5 |
The truth about Satan |
12 |
The truth about the devil |
19 |
Prophecy proves the Bible true |
26 |
The flood of Noah |
August |
2 |
Has God forsaken the world? |
9 |
The truth about the soul |
16 |
God's promise to Abraham |
23 |
The God of mercy |
30 |
Is the Bible the Word of God? |
September |
6 |
God's promise to David |
13 |
God's promise of paradise on earth |
20 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
27 |
Will Jerusalem ever be a city of peace? |
October |
4 |
Signs of the times - Russia & Israel |
11 |
God's promise in Eden |
18 |
God's promise to Abraham |
25 |
"Thy kingdom come...Thy will be done in earth" - What does this mean? |
November |
8 |
Life in God's coming Kingdom |
15 |
Christ's great victory |
22 |
Jesus the Messiah |
29 |
Eternal Life |
December |
6 |
How can we really know the Bible is the Word of God? |
13 |
Jesus to return to the Earth |
20 |
The birth of Jesus |
27 |
The angels |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2014
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
5 |
The Book of Genesis |
12 |
The resurrection of Jesus |
19 |
The Bible is the word of God |
26 |
Jesus conquered sin and death |
February |
2 |
The Book of Psalms |
9 |
Archaeology proves the Bible |
16 |
What the Bible says about Israel |
23 |
Baptism is commanded by Jesus |
March |
2 |
God's promise to Abraham |
9 |
World history foretold - Daniel 2 |
16 |
The truth about satan |
23 |
God's promise to King David |
30 |
The Bible and Russia |
April |
6 |
The sacrifice of Jesus |
13 |
Noah and the great flood |
27 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
May |
4 |
The Bible is the word of God |
11 |
The city of Jerusalem |
25 |
The truth about heaven and hell |
June |
1 |
The return of Christ |
8 |
The resurrection of Jesus |
15 |
Britain and Australia in Prophecy |
22 |
Armageddon |
29 |
Angels |
July |
6 |
Creation |
13 |
The return of Jesus Christ |
20 |
World history foretold - Daniel 2 |
August |
3 |
Why is Israel always in the news? |
10 |
The truth about Satan |
17 |
Life in the future kingdom of God |
24 |
God's promise to Abraham |
31 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
September |
7 |
Resurrection |
14 |
God's promise to King David |
21 |
Baptism is required by Jesus |
28 |
Today's news in the Bible |
October |
12 |
World History Prophesied (Daniel 2) |
19 |
The human soul |
26 |
God's promise to Abraham |
November |
2 |
The Bible is the Word of God |
9 |
Angels |
16 |
God's promise to David |
23 |
Creation |
30 |
Life in the future kingdom of God |
December |
7 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
14 |
Resurrection |
21 |
Baptism is required by Jesus |
28 |
Archaeology proves the Bible |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2013
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
6 |
God's promise in Eden |
13 |
God's promise to Abraham |
20 |
God's promise to David |
February |
3 |
Jesus commanded baptism |
10 |
Armageddon - the coming battle |
17 |
Jesus to restore God's kingdom |
24 |
The God of the Bible |
March |
3 |
Who was Jesus of Nazareth? |
10 |
We all die but we can live for ever |
17 |
The Bible foretells world history |
April |
7 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
14 |
The Holy Spirit |
21 |
Russia in the Bible |
28 |
Prophecy proves the Bible true |
May |
5 |
God's promise to Adam & Eve |
12 |
The truth about the devil & satan |
19 |
Angels |
26 |
The second coming of Jesus |
June |
2 |
God's promise to Abraham |
9 |
Eternal life |
23 |
God's promise to King David |
July |
7 |
Heaven and hell |
21 |
God's 7000 year plan |
28 |
World history prophecied - Daniel chapter 2 |
August |
4 |
Noah's flood - a warning |
11 |
Signs of the Times |
18 |
The resurrection of Jesus |
25 |
Life in God's coming kingdom |
September |
1 |
Jesus the son of God |
8 |
God's promise to Abraham |
15 |
Life in God's kingdom |
22 |
Armageddon |
29 |
The human soul |
October |
13 |
The truth about creation |
20 |
God's promise to David |
27 |
World history foretold - Daniel chapter 2 |
November |
10 |
Heaven and hell |
17 |
The nature of man and salvation |
December |
1 |
What is the Gospel? |
8 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
15 |
Angels - the servants of God |
22 |
The birth of Jesus Christ |
29 |
Biblical review of the year |
Previous Bible Presentations: 2012
Date |
Presentation Subject |
January |
1 |
Creation |
8 |
The nation of Israel |
15 |
God's promises |
22 |
Jesus could return today, are you ready? |
29 |
Armageddon is coming |
February |
5 |
Archaeology and the Bible |
12 |
World history foretold - Daniel 7 |
19 |
Heaven and hell |
26 |
Baptism is required by Jesus |
March |
4 |
Today's news in the Bible |
11 |
The truth about the Devil |
18 |
The truth about Hell |
25 |
The next king of Israel |
April |
1 |
Australia in Bible prophecy |
15 |
Titanic - 100th Anniversary |
22 |
The God of the Bible |
29 |
Jesus will return to the earth |
May |
6 |
God's promises to Abraham |
13 |
God's promises to King David |
23 |
Israel in the purpose of God |
27 |
Who was Jesus Christ? |
June |
6 |
The transit of Venus |
17 |
The best gift in life is free |
24 |
Bible prophecy proves the Bible |
July |
1 |
Syria in Bible Prophecy |
8 |
The God of the Bible |
15 |
Creation |
22 |
Baptism is required by Jesus |
29 |
The Olympics and the Bible |
August |
5 |
Archaeology proves the Bible |
12 |
Signs of the Times |
19 |
Noah's flood - a warning |
26 |
Who was Jesus Christ? |
September |
2 |
The garden of Eden |
9 |
God's promises |
16 |
The Gospel - good news today! |
23 |
Bible prophecy proves the Bible |
30 |
The Bible and science |
October |
14 |
The nation of Israel |
21 |
Baptism is required by Jesus |
28 |
Iran in Bible prophecy |
November |
4 |
Heaven and hell |
18 |
Noah's flood - a warning |
25 |
What the Bible says about angels |
December |
2 |
World history foretold in the Bible |
9 |
The Gospel preached by Jesus |
16 |
The future paradise |
23 |
The birth of Jesus |
30 |
Signs that Jesus' return is near |
(Current presentation subjects can be viewed here)