and suffering - why do they afflict us?
Many people find it impossible to
believe in God at all when they consider the different forms of
suffering in the world. "If there is a God why does he allow
the creatures he has made to suffer and die?". Only the Bible,
God's revelation to his creatures, can answer this question.
The Bible answer reasonable
Part of the answer to our question
lies in the past, part lies here in the present and part is concerned
with the future - with the world of tomorrow. The first three chapters
of Genesis are concerned with the entrance of sin into a sinless
world - and the consequences of sin which have affected all mankind
down the ages. Adam's disobedience to God's command brought the
punishment God had fore-warned, which was death (Genesis 2:17, compare
the serpent's words Genesis 3:4). In Genesis 3:16-19, God spelt
out to Adam and Eve the form this punishment for deliberate disobedience
would take. "Unto the woman he said, 'I will greatly multiply
thy sorrow (suffering) and thy conception; in sorrow (suffering)
thou shalt bring forth children". Here we see how suffering
first afflicted the human race - it was a punishment for sin which
is disobedience to God's law (1 John 3:4). Because Adam chose to
disobey God, we, as Adam's children, inherit his sinful tendencies,
so we too must suffer and die (Romans 5:12). God desires his creatures
to love him one cannot force men and women to love, it must be freely
given; that is why mankind was given freewill so each of us can
make our choice; to love and obey, or to reject God.
The differing kinds of suffering
People are apt to forget that much
of the suffering in the world is caused by man himself. True, God
created certain illnesses and death in punishment for sin, but man
invented torture, the concentration camp, the gas chamber, the H
bomb and all the weapons of destruction. It was a supreme tragedy
when Adam sinned but God had a plan of salvation ready to bring
great ultimate good out of disaster and, in this plan, suffering
plays an important part. Although it was necessary to sentence man
to death as a sinner yet God makes it clear in his Word that he
has made a way of escape from this part of the punishment. In effect,
God says that those who choose to love
and obey him will, one day, be raised from the dead and shall live
for ever - without suffering". When
men create something - the motor-car for example - the component
parts are inspected to see if they are the correct size and shape
and free from hidden flaws. Some fail to pass the test and cease
to exist as components. Death acts like this in the human race.
Those who disobey God cease to exist in death, like the machine
parts that were no use for the finished product (see Psalm 145:20
and Proverbs 13:13). Proverbs 21:16 says this - "The man that
wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation
of the dead".
We have seen the reason for suffering
and that much is man-made because man is sinful. There is, however,
some for which God is mercifully responsible. Sometimes suffering
serves a useful purpose - eg. pain, which
warns us something is wrong. There are people who don't feel pain
and the result is they damage their bodies without realising it.
One boy leaned on a heater and did not move until he smelt his flesh
burning. But God uses suffering as a training ground for character
forming. If it did not exist there would be no room for courage
or compassion nor opportunities to demonstrate our love for God
by self-sacrifice for the good of others. The Bible tells us that
the Son of God "learned obedience by the things which he suffered"
(Hebrews 5:8; see also Hebrews 12:5-11). However, there are many
people whose sufferings appear to serve no purpose in God's plan
- people who have never heard of Jesus and salvation. The natives
in Africa suffering famine, or the man who may be mauled by a lion,
or the baby in a pram run over by a bus. These people are not being
prepared to be fit to inherit God's kingdom. The Bible again has
the answer. God has created a world subject to certain natural laws,
where a measure of suffering is bound to come sooner or later -
we live in a world where, as Solomon phrased it "Time and chance
happeneth to all" (see Ecclesiastes 9:11-12).
A glorious future
The Bible tells us that God is planning
a glorious future for this world of sorrows. Christ is going to
return to set up God's kingdom here on earth. In that day all God's
people will be given eternal life and will live in a peaceful world
where the need for suffering no longer exists. In that day the prayer
of Christ will be answered "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10 - see also Revelation
For the children of God in that
day there will no longer be a problem of suffering, for God, for
Christ's sake, will forgive their sins, because they have acknowledged
their sinfulness and chosen to strive
to love and obey their Maker (see Revelation 21:3-4).