Discover the true Bible message...

Bible reading plan & guide

This Bible reading plan is designed to help you read the Bible over 12 months. Also included are some guide notes to help you understand what you read. The reading plan is split up into 53 individual weeks.

This plan designates one or two chapters of the Bible each day, the reading of which enables anyone to gain an understanding of God's message to us. This understanding is helped if God's purpose is kept in mind (see Summary of Bible truth).

The Bible has characteristics which prove it to be divine, and, while many reject it without ever reading it, if you do read it regularly you will soon be convinced that it is completely different from any other book, especially as it provides a convincing explanation of mankind's situation in the earth today, tells us where events are leading, and above all it gives us confidence for the future.

The guidance notes point out the straightforward teaching fo the Bible, and they deal with difficulties that people have expressed in the past. They also highlight many examples of divine authorship which reinforce the absolute assurance that this is the word of God.

Please feel free to follow the reading plan and notes offered below broken down over 53 weeks. Weeks 1 to 8 are available immediately - for later weeks please contact us.


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